Our new single will drop this friday. Can’t wait to give this song it’s digital wings. Superstar have reached over 115K streams at this point and that would mean that the new song have great starting point as Spotify might push it to the same audience and beyond.

Even if Spotify is a magical tool it’s a bit out of our hands. We have to hope for editors and algorithms to include the song. But what we can do is to say to you to listen and share the song when it is released. If it is played a lot it will be played a lot!

So help us give this baby wings!

Superdiesel passes ONE MILLION STREAMS

Todays music market gets a lot of criticism for being commercialized and ruled by streaming platforms. While there is a lot of truth in those critics, the new way of buying and listening to music gives opportunities and power to the artist that quite frankly didn’t exist in the “good ol days”, if there even was days like that…

When you make music, one of the big dreams is that it will be heard, obviously. Back in the days you had to get the ear of a ambitious or powerful label to make sure your music reached out beyond the hometown or closest friends and relatives. But the tables have turned and now most of the industry tools has been made avaliable for everyone. You don’t need a mega budget to make your music heard, if your music is good enough you can give it wings and see it fly away if you put some effort into marketing and branding.

I see some (established) artist saying things like: “we’re musicians, not marketers or film makers”. To me it sound a little bit like dinosaurs that is watching the comet but are too lazy to start running. Anyway…
This was just a build up to announce that Superdiesel have had:


A newly formed band, without a label, that is struggling in the home scene still have the possibility to get their music out to millions! And isn’t that what it’s all about? That someone actually listens to and likes what you do? To me it’s freaking awesome to know that our music have been heard a million times!

But as you might have heard, a million streams doesn’t equals a million dollars. It doesn’t even equals a million fans. Our job is now to convert those streams into people who doesn’t just hear a good song and moves on, but to people who are excited for the next song and to see us live. On that road we still have a lot of job to do. But still…


(If you are interested, here are the current numbers:

– own channel: 22K
– other channels: 349K
– nightcore versions: 501K
TOTAL: 1 013 000 streams!
Since it is very hard to get trustworthy data from Facebook we didn’t include any numbers from that. But there should be a couple of thousand FB views as well )

Superdiesel – Season 1 Recap

It all started way back in 2016 when lead vocalist Daniel joined the band in the dark cellars of megacorp Elisa. A desire to meet and make music started to evolve to something that actually had potential to reach out beyond the cellar walls. When the almighty riff of EXPLOSIONS first was heard then there was no discussion – we had to BREAK OUT.

The video for Explosions was recorded on our very first gig at Semifinal

First EP: introducing Superdiesel was released in spring 2017 and in august we had our first live performance at Semifinal, a night that generated fans that are still with us today (comment if you were there). After that we started to do gigs around Helsinki and also did some visits to other towns. Our sound kept on evolving and 2018 started with the release of HIGH ON YOUR LOVE. 2018 was also very much about the music competition Emergenza. It was a great way to expand our fanbase and it took us all the way to the final at legendary Nosturi stage. Another big leap in the Superdiesel saga is that Jere joined the band in march, which added extra layers to our sound.

Empowered by the response from the audience we began the work with an album. In december 2018 Superdiesel entered Sonic Pump Studios to make some magic! More about that here. The release was in march 2019 and the album got good response in media and we had an amazing release concert, again at Nosturi. However in the time following the album our bassplayer decided to quit the band and there was a time of trying to figure out who we were and what we wanted to do. We started to pick up speed and had a lot in the pipeline for spring/summer 2020 and then came corona…

Now we’re writing July 2020 and it feels like there is a new season of Superdiesel starting. We have an amazing single coming up and we will announce new concerts soon. Stay tuned for more Superdiesel!

SUPERSTAR will be released 10.7.2020

Break out reaches 280 000 plays on Youtube!

A little over a year after release, and we are happy that the songs from Elevate still finds new audience. One particular audience that we didn’t really expect was the AMV-scene (Anime music video). At some point a channel called Discovering Music picked up Break out, they put the anime character Tanjiro and some flames to watch over it and it started to fly.

After a while we got contacted by Gyuuki Nightcore, a nightcore artist that asked if it was ok to do nightcore versions of our songs, and we said sure and it seemed like the songs was very well suited for that kind of treatment. So far 260 000 people have seen the Superdiesel Nightcore versions

The latest addition is the biggest. The huge AMV channel Fidus made an AMV video of Break out and it has been watched over 220 000 times. It is really cool that your music can find ways to listeners that you never even dreamed of and it is also a sign that our songs works on a larger scale.

The first video, that opened the door to anime world.
Nightcore version of High on your love
AMV Version of Break out – 220 000 views as we speek

Who will pick up the bass?


Superdiesel needs a new bass player – are you the one?
Superdiesel was formed in 2017 and have released one EP, a standalone single and one full length album. We are in the middle of promoting the album and doing shows but at the same time we’re working on next release. 

What we want from our new bassplayer is that he or she:

  • really likes our music
  • is prepared to put time, heart, soul and sweat in to this project
  • have a skill level that matches the music we make

What would be awesome is if:

  • you can sing backup vocals
  • you have ideas for new songs in our landscape of music
  • you have related skills like marketing, design, videomaking, producing et.c.

If you think you’re our new bassplayer – send us a mail at superdieselband@gmail.com

Nosturi is ELEVATED

What a night we had yesterday! 
It was so much fun to finally get the chance to share this new music with you live. A lot of people showed up and we had amazing sound thanks to HÖG Light & Sound.  It has been so many hours working on this album and to see the songs really come alive at Nosturi was awesome!

Thank you all for being there and follow us on facebook for news and new concerts. And until we meet again at some venue in the future: You’ll always have the album!

Pictures by: Katri Kurisjärvi, Hanna Räisänen, Hannu Halonen 

Everyday was christmas

We had an awesome week at Sonic Pump studios, recording our debut album. The feeling of being in constant creative mode combined with the ambition to perform at the top of your capacity is both exhausting and rewarding. When we finally made the last track on Sunday evening we were very happy with what we have done and also very thankful for excellent craftsmanship from studioengineers Eero Kaukomies and Tomas Niemistö.

Now the fun part of mixing is ahead of us and soon you will have the result in a device close to you on loud volume!

Here are some pictures from our happy days in Sonic Pump.


Let’s make a record!

So, it’s official! Last night we visited Sonic Pump Studios to get up close and personal with what will be our home for mid-december.  If you listen close to the album you might even hear some jinglebells 😉 Sonic Pump is one of the best studios in town (Amorphis, Sonata Artica, Apocalyptica and more) and we had a great feeling exploring the enormous space.

We will do additional recordings at our dearest Loiste productions and if all goes as planned there will be new music available in the beginning of the year and album release 1.3.2019. More info about the release is coming soon, but make sure to clear your calendar for that date!

Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for behind the scenes from the studio!


A big month for the Diesel!

A month doesn’t get that much better then this and first of all we want to thank all of you guys who have voted and cheered for us at Vegatoppen and Emergenza. We are grateful and honored and it feels like we really have a good thing going on here.

Now we’ll go back in the rehearsalroom with new energy to write new songs for the coming album and when May comes we will be ready for the Emergenza final (Save the date: 12.5) –  and shows at Semifinal, Bar Rock Bear and On The Rocks.

This is not the end – it’s just the beginning!

Pics from Emergenza first round at Bar loose – by Kalle Kervinen (www.kallekervinen.com)

Where will this trip take us, baby?

2018 have started with a bang in the Superdiesel universe. The new single “High On Your Love” is ready and released together with the music video and we’re doing what we can to use it to spread the word about the band. This phase in a bands story is both fun and frustrating when you struggle to get the attention that you think you deserve. But there is a lot of good bands out there and it’s hard to break through the wall of information that we all face. Anyway we’re happy that the song is out there, and lets see “where this trip will take us, baby”. If you wan’t to help out, make sure to put the song in your spotify playlists and share the video!

In other news we will participate in the Emergenza band competition/festival, wich at least will give us a fun gig in Helsinki with hopefully a big crowd. We would love to have you there to support us – join the event on facebook and we will get in touch about getting tickets.
